for use with GEOCAD 1.1 or higher you have to rename the files because there are multiple files with the same name. Rename 'bdy.cbd' (boundaries compressed binary data) from the directory '' (North America) 'north america (bdy)' or similar, and rename 'riv.cbd' something like 'north america (riv)' and so on (pby-files contain political boundaries, and cil-files contain coastlands, islands and lakes). You just have to keep the three-letter-code characterizing the kind of data contained in the filename, i.e. you must not skip 'cil', 'riv', 'bdy' or 'pby', otherwise GEOCAD will skip the entire file as it cannot be identified.
Note: cbd-Files downloaded from the InfoMac Hyperarchive
are renamed correctly. Simply search the archive for 'GEOCAD' and download 'GEOCAD cbd mapset Africa' and so on.
You download… and rename (including the terms in brackets)
directory '' (north america)
bdy.cbd renamed north america (bdy)
pby.cbd renamed north america (pby)
riv.cbd renamed north america (riv)
cil.cbd renamed north america (cil)
directory '' (south america)
bdy.cbd renamed south america (bdy)
riv.cbd renamed south america (riv)
cil.cbd renamed south america (cil)
directory '' (south america)
bdy.cbd renamed africa (bdy)
riv.cbd renamed africa (riv)
cil.cbd renamed africa (cil)
directory '' (south america)
bdy.cbd renamed europe (bdy)
riv.cbd renamed europe (riv)
cil.cbd renamed europe (cil)
directory '' (south america)
bdy.cbd renamed asia (bdy)
riv.cbd renamed asia (riv)
cil.cbd renamed asia (cil)
All these files or aliases of them have to be moved into the 'Coordinates'-folder in the GEOCAD folder ('Koordinaten' in german GEOCAD).